Internet of Things and M2M Communications Blog | KORE

KORE| March Madness – 4G LTE vs. 5G

Written by KORE | 05-Apr-2024 12:09:17

As the gradual phase-out of 2G and 3G networks (known as the 2G/3G sunset) continues, the debate rages on as to whether 4G LTE or 5G is the future of connectivity. While 5G boasts ultra-high bandwidth, speed, cell density, and low latency, few current IoT applications necessitate such capabilities. Even scenarios demanding "high bandwidth" may not inherently require 5G, as 4G-LTE adequately suffices. Moreover, 4G-LTE is projected to remain viable for at least another decade.

So, which network should you choose for your IoT deployment? Take a look at how 4G LTE and 5G stack up against one another and decide for yourself… 


The current iteration of 4G LTE (Long-Term Evolution) networks represents the fourth generation of mobile network technology. These networks operate on the same radio frequencies as 3G networks, utilising lower frequency radio waves. Consequently, 4G LTE networks exhibit slower speeds compared to the next generation 5G networks and experience higher latency.

Nevertheless, 4G LTE networks retain certain advantages in terms of cost and widespread availability when compared to the higher bands of 5G. These networks cater to users who prioritise a dependable connection and affordability over ultra-fast speeds and low latency.


5G stands out for its remarkable speed, minimal latency, and ability for real-time communication, making it an optimal choice for applications requiring rapid responses, such as self-driving vehicles and virtual reality. This positions 5G as a transformative force in internet usage and holds immense potential for revolutionising IoT. As 5G's higher bands complete their rollout phase, businesses will undoubtedly consider upgrading to leverage its capabilities.

Tallying the Score

Ultimately, 5G technology enables faster and more secure data transmission, facilitating the connection of a broader array of IoT devices and applications. Its high-speed capabilities have the potential to enable innovative business models and transform operational processes, enhancing overall business performance; however, if high speed is not required, as is most often the case with IoT deployments, 4G-LTE may be the best fit. At the end of the day, it really depends on your specific deployment needs.

No matter what your needs are, KORE has you covered. Reach out to KORE to learn how we can help connect you to the fastest, most reliable technology for today and the future.