Many IoT solutions rely on cellular technologies as the optimal network solution to facilitate data transfer among connected devices, systems, and applications. Although the advantages of cellular connectivity are plentiful, establishing a cellular connection with the use of a SIM card is challenging, as these technologies have traditionally been provisioned to support a single carrier profile. This can cause significant challenges for organisations who are impacted by network shutdowns (such as the 2G and 3G network retirements) and must execute costly truck rolls to replace obsolete SIM cards that are compatible with upgraded technologies. Traditional SIM technologies also create challenges for global or multi-national IoT organisations that must manage inventory, logistics, and provisioning processes for multiple different carrier-specific SIM cards to achieve desired coverage. This is where eSIM technology comes in.
The ability to support multiple carrier profiles on a single SIM card, coupled with the capabilities to support remote, Over-the-Air (OTA) provisioning – eSIM technologies alleviate these challenges delivering future-proofed connectivity solutions and streamlined logistical processes. In this guide, we provide a deep dive into these two eSIM use cases, providing real-life examples of how eSIM technology can be leveraged to overcome common IoT connectivity hurdles.
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