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Intelligent IoT Security Solutions that Let You Sleep at Night

Protect all of your devices and the business-critical data they generate with network security solutions that make all of your concerns disappear.

Secure Connectivity Guards Business-Critical Information

IoT networks offer unprecedented opportunities to collaborate more efficiently and to tap into new sources of information. But devices and data must remain protected. That’s where KORE can help.

IoT Security Best Practices
Leverage Best Practices Effective communications require purpose-built IoT solutions with powerful security and high availability based on industry standards. KORE can help.
Protect IoT digital assets
Protect Digital Assets Security measures must cover IoT networks from all angles by protecting digital assets at both the device and communications layers. KORE can help.
IoT security expertise
Leverage Security Expertise When you need help to quickly respond to a threat, it’s important to have dedicated and experienced security professionals by your side 24x7. KORE can help.
Protect against IoT data breaches
Mitigate the Risk of Data Breaches

Set up IoT security solutions that are specific to your devices, user profiles, and industry regulations.

Risk is inherent in IoT solutions because their very purpose is to share and communicate data across various channels. Threats range from stolen SIM cards to unauthorised data access and routing. KORE protects connected devices by enabling rule-based actions and alerts based on destination IP addresses, protocols, and ports, as well as mobile device identity numbers. Now you can be confident that your sensitive information won’t get into the wrong hands

Identify IoT data threats
Gain Visibility into IoT Communications

Identify threats that can compromise data and jeopardize network performance.

Defending against hackers and ultimately optimising device performance requires real-time insights into all the data that connected devices send and receive. Through real-time traffic monitoring and endpoint management, KORE security solutions enable you to detect network outages, network traffic bursts, and denial-of-service attacks so you can resolve issues before they impact the business.

IoT data encryption
Encrypt Data to Fortify Defenses

Limit access to authorised users while leveraging around-the-clock support so your security is as pervasive as your data.

In today’s evolving threat landscape, danger is everywhere, making it imperative to secure data whether it’s at rest or in-flight. To protect devices and intellectual property from cyber attacks, KORE provides virtually impenetrable AES-256 encryption of all traffic and stored files along with 24x7 monitoring from our global Network Operations Center. With multi-faceted IoT security solutions and industry best practices, data is protected no matter where it is.

Increase Visibility and Improve Device Performance
In order to secure digital assets and ensure communication is restricted to trusted entities, it’s necessary to have a granular view into device behaviour. KORE offers visibility that not only helps you keep a close eye on IoT traffic, but also makes it easier to manage devices so they perform at their full potential.

Comprehensive data encryption of all in-flight traffic

Virtual Private Network solutions from KORE can be rapidly deployed and are designed to secure IoT networks by extending connections to mobile devices without using public IP addresses, and come with high-reliability, multi-path protection that sets us apart from the competition. By offloading end-to-end encryption to the network, you can also maximise IoT device computing power.

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In-depth monitoring of network traffic

KORE SecurityPro provides diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities at the traffic level so you have greater network visibility. You’ll be able to set rule-based alerts and actions to protect devices and transmitted data from anomalies, threats, excessive data use, misconfigured firmware, stolen SIMs, and network failures. With this insight, you have actionable intelligence needed to protect IoT devices from potential anomalies, thereby reducing costs and mitigating risk.

Accelerated deployments that maximise IoT investments

By partnering with KORE, you benefit from a single source provider for truly comprehensive IoT management. Our comprehensive mobile device management solution helps organisations monitor, secure, and control IoT devices with tracking, identity management, and data protection capabilities.

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Ensuring you stay ahead with the next generation of IoT technology

Leveraging nearly two decades of IoT knowledge and experience, KORE simplifies the complexity of IoT with complete, global IoT management capabilities. We enable your IoT vision with seamless execution and a constant focus on maximising the return on your IoT investments.

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Next Generation IoT Security Technology